Columns: XBridge Shield and XTerra
A comparison of general information about the two series of columns can be found on the websites: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1365/s10337-007-0355-y https://www.waters.com/nextgen/us/en/products/columns/compare-columns.html?productname=xbridge-columns%2Cxterra-columns and https://support.waters.com/KB_Chem/Columns/WKB45632_What_is_the_difference_between_Xterra_and_XBridge_columns.
Data of the 300 small molecules from the XBrigde Shield C18 and XTerra C18 columns, on the basis of which the model described in this work was built, are generally available at the following links: XBridge Shield C18 and XTerra C18.
Raw data
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